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绵阳翻译公司关键字:1) The parties to avoid the risk and hedging, not speculative, trading can not be established. Therefore, hedging and speculative complementary risk speculative activities can play, the role of risk diversification.(2) Note that speculators are to gather market information, forecasting volatility of freight rates, usually from their speculation on the whole reflect the supply and demand situation, theshipping freight futures market to reduce volatility.(3) The freight futures market can be radiated to the national and even international, market speculation can have full mobility of spot and futures market prices remain the same direction.However, speculation on the futures market and spot market speculation, as there are negative effects, that "price manipulation" of the harm caused by monopolistic behavior. In this regard, not unworthy, to pay attention to identification and prevention. Generally have a legitimate futures speculation openness, competition, regulatory characteristics. Speculative trading of futures contracts should be in place regulations requiring time, within the limits prescribed, the prescribed procedures. Without which, are illegal and should be severely punished. Negative effect on the prevention of speculation in futures, countries have strict measures, such as restrictions on the amount of the contract, the limit price increases, the state managed futures sector monitoring and so on. With the freight futures market, the establishment and development, China's freight futures trading rules and regulations will inevitably come into being.