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安庆翻译公司关键字:State Environmental Protection Administration Pan Yue, deputy director of the Asia-Pacific Congress of Environmental Journalists Sixteenth speech also pointed out that China's nationwide pollution and resource development, more than the environmental carrying capacity. First, serious environmental pollution. According to 2003 data, 90% of rivers flowing through cities are polluted; 75% of lake eutrophication; nearly 300 million rural population substandard drinking water. Nearly 1 / 3 of the urban population living in heavily polluted air environment; acid rain area land area of ??about 1 / 3 years at the national municipal solid waste volume 149 million tons, treatment and disposal of only half; Industry hazardous waste disposal rate was 32%. Second, the environment continues to deteriorate. Desertified land area of ??3436 square kilometers per year rate of increase; the number of forest growth, lower quality, less than 10% of natural forests; over 90% of the natural grassland degradation, growing at an annual rate of increase of 2 million hectares; many rivers, the utilization rate than the international warning line of Eco (30% -40%), watershed disturbance of ecological functions; serious over-exploitation of groundwater, North China Plain, a large area of ??underground funnel area of ??70,000 square kilometers, land subsidence caused by a series of ecological crisis; 2003 the number of red tides in coastal areas than in the 1980s increased by 3 times; 10% -15% of the endangered species of higher plants; species a serious drain on resources; invasive species every year 120 billion yuan of economic losses. Third, the old issues remain unresolved, new problems have emerged. Currently, China's home appliance scrap arrival of the peak, easy disassembly caused serious pollution; by industrial "three wastes" pollution of the land area of ??1.5 million mu, accounting for 8.3% of arable land; excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides, agricultural non-point source pollution highlighted , safety of agricultural products affected; cities rapid growth of motor vehicles, faced with the threat of photochemical smog.Serious environmental problems have restricted the development of China's economic and social health of important factors. Environmental pollution and ecological damage caused huge economic losses, but also endanger public health and social stability (Zhao new, 2004). The above shows that the environmental costs of China's industrialization process is quite high. Industry, particularly the rapid growth of heavy industry, will inevitably put pressure on the environment. At present, the industrial pollution of the environment, especially water and air ring