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淮北翻译公司关键字:The first sense of the competitiveness of the comparison (cost comparison) depends only on the nature of industrial technology itself. The second sense of the competitiveness of the comparison is to join a national control system (policy) on the economic competitiveness of the individual (cost) factors. Industrial development from the current overall state of the world to see, in most industrial sectors to achieve the strict sense of the competitiveness of the mutation does not have the condition, so that countries are subject to resource exploitation and environmental protection on a strict system of control (policy), the waste of resources and limit environmental destruction and punishment. Of course, due to different levels of economic development in countries, the implementation of the control system of technical standards and policies are also different. Typically, the higher the level of economic development of countries on resource utilization and environmental protection standards are higher.3 mutations in Chinese meaning of industrial competitivenessAs a developing country, China's realization of the meaning of the competitiveness of mutations: in the community (including the international community) accepted standard of control until control standards in developed countries as close as possible under the conditions, without discrimination, competition in the market毕业论文翻译成英语文章, to achieve resource conservation technical resource-intensive technology is more than competitive industrial and technological progress. As mentioned above, with the economic and social development, community resource utilization and environmental protection will become increasingly high technical standards, regulatory systems and policies which are more stringent. After 20 years of China's sustained rapid economic growth, basic strength and industrial strength significantly increased resource utilization and environmental protection technologies and standards are in line with international standards gradually improved, as well as the implementation period of a higher standard of developed countries. In such conditions, resource-intensive technology, competitiveness must be significantly lower, continue to rely mainly on resource-intensive technologies to support industrial competitiveness inevitable road gets narrower. Therefore, China's industrial competitiveness as soon as possible whether the source of the transfer, that is to save resources and technology as the main source of industrial competitiveness, industrial development is related to the future of a major task. In resource utilization and environmental protection to achieve a high standard under the conditions of strong competitiveness of Chinese industry in the 21st century strategic objectives.