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莆田翻译公司关键字:The specific functions of trade associations, domestic scholars basically sum up the experience of foreign categories, such as Xian Chen, Xu Zhongzhen (1999) designated as the trade association and self-discipline, development, coordination, mutual aid, service, communication, mediation and eight categories of checks and balances, and Jassim Tianjin, Shen Heng Chao, Hu Wenan et al (2004) are based on transaction cost theory, the trade association services and coordination functions are divided into two categories. Which services are: (1) to industry statistics, providing information services; (2) the organization of exhibitions, international exchanges; (3) technical training and exchange. Co-ordination of trade associations to lobby the major hindrance to the government, the output and price co-ordination, development of industry standards and to oversee implementation. These studies seem to see the functions of trade associations classification theory.However, this contract-based trade association for the development order and the order of the role of industry, through the United States, Japan and the European Association of specific activities in order, we find that the industry trade associations to promote the development of the order of the functions of the order of the contract to more than to promote.Worth noting that, in practice, industry associations may also have a negative impact, mainly in the conspiracy and exclusive to restrict competition and unfair competition caused by low economic efficiency. As mentioned above, only associations with both supply and demand information, but also the ability to master the coordination penalty, once the industry is in fierce market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 competition, unilateral or regional monopoly of the trade association is very easy to transform the natural coordination for the conspiracy's ability to implement the detriment of competitors, customers, consumers and small business interests within the association behavior. These actions restrict competition in the performance of a uniform pricing, quantity restrictions, division of market毕业论文翻译成英语文章s, to boycott and refuse to peer into the existing non-member market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 competition; unfair competition in encouraging the performance of a refusal to deal, price