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茂名翻译公司关键字:Second, the industry associations to create suitable environment for the development of other systems. Relaxed policy environment for the growth of an organization plays a vital role, with enterprises, industry associations Government verbal support and encouragement looked pale and weak, the local government's liberal policy-making level, to reflect the to trade associations and the development process. At present, all are basically industry associations from the management, layout, functions, etc. to strengthen efforts to support the specific content as follows:(1) will be separated from political reform. Existing industry associations to personnel, assets and financial aspects and government departments should be completely英语论文翻译公司 separated.Where part-time real job in the industry association of duties with reference to national civil servants and civil service management personnel, must be within the prescribed period or resign his position or resign from industry associations; where industry associations and government departments to implement a centralized accounting or financial co-managed accounts should be completed within the prescribed time limit to establish accounts separately, with accountants, to achieve financial independence, industry, government departments, the Association's assets shall not be flat tone.(2) to adjust the layout of the structure Industry Association. Clear on the industry characteristics, in line with market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 economy requires industry associations should be retained, strengthened and improved; close similarity of names, overlapping business trade association, the merger and reorganization; the characteristics of the industry trade association is not clear, for discrete, small of; lack of industry representation, can not provide services for enterprises, long-term activities, internal management turmoil trade association, according to cancellation or revocation of registration. For two years to basically complete the restructuring of the existing industry associations layout tasks. (3) to combine administrative examination and approval system reform, gradually suitable for industry associations to bear the industry management functions delegated to the industry associations to exercise, to support trade associations to industry statistics, industry research, the development of industry development plans, price coordination and credibility of evidence, etc. give full play to the functions of trade associations