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汕头翻译公司关键字:Different from other reforms, the reform of industry associations within the system only depend on the government's role is difficult to complete, industry associations will be the main force of the reform, so that changes in the system accounted for the induced changes in the lead. Improve the internal management mechanism Industry Association, the first step is to follow constitution of the Association. In many cases, not the government violated the constitution of the association but the association themselves, such as leadership positions are generated in accordance with the provisions of Articles of Association. Decoupling of the Executive Council, the Association will be possible from the host, whether pursuant to charter directly related to the Association, the extent of regulation and reputation, it was considered the most wealth and intangible assets of the Association, the Association is not a developing reputation for daring to take his joke . The second step is the result of careful study, out of weakness of the internal mechanism for the association to improve the program. Reform of financial system and grasp the non-profit associations, such as the senior financial officers hired to do final accounts; research division of business income and contributions, funding and other non-operating income ratio and the principle of strict control of their论文摘要翻译英文 rational use; for financial disclosure audit or the hiring of specialized personnel, increase the transparency of the operation of associations. Reform the personnel system, breaking the limitations of the preparation, open your mind, improve the overall quality of personnel in line with the principle that people make the best use, while not ignoring the role of old comrades and resources. The reform of democratic management mechanisms can widen the gap in contributions, the contributions should not be depending on the amount or availability of funding and care or discriminate against certain businesses, particularly within the industry should pay attention to the many small and medium enterprises, private business interests.Strengthen the Association's credit construction, making the association as to assume corresponding social responsibility, independent of the government credit best credit outside the executive and the supervisor, and to achieve credibility with the government and individual credit complementary and close interaction. The third step is the association for performance management, including organization, leadership and performance management of individual leaders in order to determine the extent of its competence and areas for improvement.The so-called Chinese characteristics reflected in the Association's internal mechanism reform, that is no ready-made model can be copied abroad, the current number of associations (especially some of the internal and external conflicts are fewer new industry association) established a new internal