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邢台翻译公司关键字:We should see the U.S. economy has always been to rely on the domestic market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 as a starting point and, when the surplus of the domestic market毕业论文翻译成英语文章, international market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 development and further establish its global manufacturing center. Rapidly in the early 20th century United States than the United Kingdom to become the global economic hegemony, very important reason is that the domestic market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 effect. Population size from the point of view, in the 1880s, the U.S. population is British and a half times, to the British in 1900 twice to three times the British in 1920. Terms of revenue, according to 1913 prices, per capita income, the United Kingdom increased from $ 131.3 1870 $ 236.1 1913 an increase of less than double the   the U.S. gross national product per capita from 1869 to 1873 average of 223 dollars up to 1907 to 1911 an average of $ 608  an increase of nearly 2-fold. After the gap widened in 1913, Britain's per capita GDP of $ 1,437, U.S. $ 1,817, $ 2,094 in 1950, the United Kingdom, the United States for $ 3,211. Domestic market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 demand for the U.S. role in boosting industrial competitiveness is decisive. Some people say that if the world has reached the U.S. level of consumption, we have to need six planet. More than 200 million Americans consume the equivalent of the current world consumption of 1.2 billion people, that is the world's 1 / 5 or more things are Americans spending. The amount of stuff produced by the United States itself is not enough, you also need to import large quantities, how could the world's factory? But its role in history than the factory of the world larger and more critical. The world has entered the era of rapid technological development, the United States is not only a global manufacturing center, but also innovation and technology center, which the two into one, and the plant concept has been very different.Why only the United States to become the world's manufacturing center? Because history has entered a new era, retired as the world's factory, as the world's manufacturing center will become history, the process of economic globalization, multinational corporations as the actual promoters of the world's manufacturing, industrial manufacturing, R & D , sale and consumption in the form of changed dramatically, with the regions of the world to improve the general level of economic development, increasingly fine division of the increasingly close relationship, the spatial distribution of the world's manufacturing is relatively balanced development, particularly in the transportation of highly developed, extensive use of information technology to make the world into the goal to reduce the cost of swap space more comfortable with the use of a new era. Every