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伊春翻译公司论文翻译专业项目团队真诚服务伊春市、伊春区、南岔区、友好区、西林区、翠峦区、新青区、美溪区、金山屯区、五营区、乌马河区、汤旺河区、带岭区、乌伊岭区、红星区 上甘岭区、铁力市、嘉荫县
伊春翻译公司关键字:Phases of view, from 1979 to 1990 throughout the 1980s, China's rural reform in the first period. The implementation of the rural household contract responsibility system, on the one hand greatly mobilized the enthusiasm of the majority of rural work翻译毕业论文公司哪里有最权威ers, on the other hand, a large agricultural surplus labor out of agriculture, especially farming and turn to the long-term constraints in non-agricultural production and services agricultural labor productivity and labor productivity in society as a whole have a greater degree of improvement. Estimates showed that in this period, GDP average annual growth rate of 9%, the average annual labor and labor productivity growth rates were 3.95% and 4.87%, both the contribution to GDP growth rates were 43% and 54 percent. In productivity growth, the transfer of surplus labor from agriculture, the contribution of up to 26.1%, the transfer of the contribution to GDP growth was 14.1%.1991 to 1999 throughout the 1990s, China's labor force growth slowed, the average annual growth rate of 1.11%, but the entire Chinese society labor productivity growth was relatively fast, with an annual growth rate of 9.14%, labor productivity growth and labor The growth of the period, China's GDP growth was 10.7% and 88.3%. Contribution to productivity growth than the 80 years was 34 percentage points. However, during this period because the proportion of non-agricultural employment growth slowed, despite the outward transfer of agricultural surplus labor's contribution to GDP growth of 14.7%, and 80 years is almost the same, but the whole society's contribution to labor productivity has dropped to 16.6% .From time to see more segments, from 1979 to 1985, is better since the reform and opening up period. During this period, agriculture and non-agricultural industries, the average annual labor productivity growth rates were 5.1% and .46%, agriculture for the first time, and only time more than non-agricultural industries. During this period, China's average annual GDP growth rate of 9.84%, of which the whole society contribution to the growth of labor productivity was 65.9%. In this labor productivity growth, brought about by the transfer of rural surplus labor force of some 26.1%, the highest in the period, and this time the transfer of surplus labor in agriculture contribution to GDP was as high as 17.2%.