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    新华翻译社运用独创的翻译过程控制质量保证体系(Quality Assurance System of Translation Process Control)在翻译过程中实时监控翻译质量,随时掌握稿件的进度。每个翻译项目组成员除了语言和翻译的功底深厚以外,都具备相应的专业背景知识,不同专业领域的资料均由具备相应专业背景的译员翻译,并由资深语言专家和技术专家双重审校把关,从而保证译文的准确、规范和术语统一。我们相信,在广大新老客户的支持和关怀下,通过本公司全体员工和所有专兼职翻译的共同努力,在经济全球化不断加深、改革开放不断扩大的新形势下,本公司将不断发展壮大,为客户提供满意的翻译服务,与客户一起创造辉煌的未来。。
黄冈翻译公司关键字:Qing ), the opportunity to get installed. With the phone, but also to withstand the high operating costs (such as international long distance five times more expensive than the U.S.) plus low-quality services (such as behind the billing method and refuse to provide call records) in order to enjoy the calls.one country would call service charges, already contains the apportionment of fixed investment英文论文翻译费用多少钱 in telecommunications. Due to significant economies of scale, long-lasting talk time per call unit can be the burden of fixed investment英文论文翻译费用多少钱 reduced to negligible levels, consumers can "unknowingly" month after month in phone bills paid their论文摘要翻译英文 fixed costs in the . This steady stream of diners, as the "pay", the restaurant has been included on the same share of fixed investment英文论文翻译费用多少钱. China Telecom's "high installation fee" equal to the first customers to buy furniture to tableware, and then pay the cost of food. If so, after all, a run down restaurant approach. But my question is, so to do up the "restaurant", who exactly is it?Telecom's 76 million customers, with the average household "installation fee" 4000 dollars, total assets of 304 billion should be part of the customer "shareholders." This, no listing, as long as the legislation, you can "also produced in the people", to promote large-span of the restructuring of China Telecom shares. According to this logic, telecommunications and other benefits can demutualization aside for China Telecom, the constraint mechanism to increase investment英文论文翻译费用多少钱, but it is open telecommunications competition against "excessive competition" and "vicious duplication" of the necessary conditions.the way, radio and television cable network翻译毕业论文公司哪里有最权威, also thanks to the "installation fee" blessing (who has the right to the invention of upfront connection fees, of unknown origin). Although cable television network翻译毕业论文公司哪里有最权威 charges much lower, but from the need for investment英文论文翻译费用多少钱 in telecommunications competition binding mechanism acts to enhance the perspective of property rights, and solving the problem here is the same way: the formation of the client assets will be upfront connection fees, to shareholders by the legal protection of customer property.monopoly" and the telecommunications network翻译毕业论文公司哪里有最权威: the economics astrayTelecommunications infrastructure network翻译毕业论文公司哪里有最权威 exclusively only by the direct management of the government, so that a "state-based network翻译毕业论文公司哪里有最权威" or "national public network翻译毕业论文公司哪里有最权威." Such a vision and ideas of the theoretical basis, the so-called "natural monopoly." So, what is the economic sense of "natural monopoly"? A natural monopoly nature of the resource, whether only by the direct management and control? This section discusses these two issues.