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上饶翻译公司关键companies no incentive motivation to save the power plant construction costs. Construction costs of hydropower and nuclear power business enterprises are very important. China to encourage the use of power plant construction and debt service price policy can not provide effective power plant construction constraints and incentives. [34] New Jersey measures have reference. [35] The state provides that if the nuclear power plant construction costs in the budget within a range, then the power Company翻译论文公司最专业 will neither be rewarded nor punished. When the construction cost is lower than this range, the power Company翻译论文公司最专业 to retain 20% of the cost savings. Conversely, when the construction cost is greater than the budget range, power plants can only be part of the costs to exceed 70% or 80% passed on to consumers. Another incentive to introduce control measures are scale competition (yardstick competition). [36] If the business in a perfectly competitive market毕业论文翻译成英语文章, any one vendor's price by the cost of its decision to all competitors. In the electricity market毕业论文翻译成英语文章, power generation or sale of electricity companies in the same price can be based on the competitive environment similar to the cost of business rather than their论文摘要翻译英文 own costs. Of course, the scale of competitive disadvantages. Yardstick competition can only be reasonably comparable between enterprises apply. Power companies due to the use of energy and investment英文论文翻译费用多少钱 decisions at different stages of different great difference. In the case of non-use than the standard, then scale competitive pricing may manage to survive but to make good business inefficient enterprises to develop. [37]Despite these incentives to some extent, control measures have been applied in the power business of reform, but it is more concerned about is the generation, transmission and placed vertically integrated electric power companies to reform. Such a reform could be the introduction of competition in the generation side, can also be the first to introduce competition in electricity sales side, you can also sell electricity in the power generation side and the side while the introduction of competition. Britain adopted the first introduction of competition in power generation side of the reform program. [38] New Zealand chose to introduce competition in the distribution side. [39] Canadian province of Ontario in the early stages of reform and sale of electricity in the power generation side of the side while the introduction of competition. [40] on the vertical integration of segmentation and the introduction of competition mechanism in varying degrees, asking the private sector to join and not on state-owned power companies in the degree of privatization and restructuring. Otherwise, fair competition is difficult to produce. Difficult to state-owned enterprises out of the market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 will ultimately affect the