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松原翻译公司关键字:Europe and other developed market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 economy countries, the industry cluster growth, evolution is entirely a market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 process is a spontaneous process of free competition. In a free capitalist period, the growth of industrial agglomeration fully competitive as a driving force in the industry, the government is very limited knowledge on the concentration, the type of industrial agglomeration is mainly Marshall type of industrial zone, the area associated with a large concentration of fine specialization SMEs, such as the UK's Staffordshire pottery production, Bedford County verde hat production and Sheffield weapon production. Marshall seems to get external economies of scale industrial enterprises in the region gather these root causes, and the palace of the role of incentives negligible (Marshall, 1929). With the development of capitalism, the industrial area began to gather in large numbers, ranging from the traditional labor-intensive to capital-intensive manufacturing industries, to the knowledge and technology-intensive high-tech industry, almost all industrial categories, and evolving , showing a form, type and scales of industrial agglomeration communities, such as the northeastern and central Italy (commonly known as the Third Italy), the traditional industrial areas, the U.S. Silicon Valley high-tech industrial zones and industrial areas of California and multimedia areas of industrial clusters in Germany Baden Wurttemberg and so on. The emergence of this type of industrial clustering, mostly for their论文摘要翻译英文 own business development needs, in order to gain economic advantages of specialization, human capital, social and cultural advantages and strengths and specific areas of the atmosphere of continuous innovation, etc. to come together, and the Government only by Some regulation and incentive measures to prevent the occurrence of agglomeration externalities, guide and promote the healthy development of the gathering area. Therefore, market毕业论文翻译成英语文章-oriented mode, the role of government is limited within a certain range, are largely dependent on the growth of industrial concentration and market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 industry interaction, due to the competitiveness of enterprises and the level of endogenous forces and the strength of influence of local embeddedness, the industry cluster competitiveness gap between the obvious, a strong hierarchy.