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安康翻译公司关键字:China's macro-economic structure, after nearly 30 years of command economy, coupled with 20 years of transition to a market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 economy has industrialized countries with a medium forward to the prototype. Trends in the next two decades, is still the industrial and service sectors in the national economy and increase the proportion of reduction in the proportion of agriculture. This means that the capital-labor ratio and labor productivity will be further improved. And developed countries, even compared with some developing countries, the proportion of China's industry will be higher. This is because China has a relatively complete industrial system for the further development of the manufacturing sector this advantage. The advantage of China's development of the manufacturing sector, which provides labor-intensive industries in order to expand employment. On the other hand, the manufacturing sector is relatively capital intensive and have relatively high labor productivity in the industry can further improve the technology content of China's manufacturing industry. But it is worth noting that the challenge in this area is moderately developed countries and other developing countries from the competition and how to deal with issues such as environmental and industrial distribution.For now China's current economic structure in terms of intensity from the capital, according to Solow growth model to predict, the higher the industrial accumulation of physical capital, to promote economic growth in the next ten to twenty years is feasible. If coupled with technological advances and economies of scale of these two factors, the 15 period (2001 2005) to achieve average annual growth of 7% should be feasible. The next 10 years, if the Chinese economy is expected to average annual growth rate of 7 percent in 2010, GDP growth in 2000 than doubled. But China's economic development should avoid the simple pursuit of growth, but also should pay attention to the optimization of the internal structure of the industry. Although the above-mentioned macroeconomic structure is not obvious, but the industry itself, many industries there is considerable excess capacity, serious phenomenon. This is partly due to the existing industry caused by the irrational investment英文论文翻译费用多少钱 structure. Therefore, how to improve the internal industrial restructuring, industrial investment英文论文翻译费用多少钱 and financing system reform, China's industry is facing two major challenges.