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商洛翻译公司关键字:economic strength, its vacant commodity housing affordability is also different. The East Asian crisis in 1998, Hainan 4.25 million square meters of vacant housing, real estate and banking sector to the local hit, leaving behind devastated "schedule", and was close to Shanghai's 7 million square meters of vacant housing , accounting for one seventh of the country, but to make it to safety, a survivor. Fourth, tax breaks motivation. Chinese real estate market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 is characterized by a major sell "Forward House," many developers as a way to solve its own funds and bank loans the problem of insufficient funds, and property rights transfer more tax relief to have the opportunity to wait for the "exhibitions will" after handle, which can lead to a certain period of time the vacancy rate to rise.Given the above analysis, we believe that: the national rate in sales of commodity houses steadily increased, the overall situation is optimistic. However, the sales rate for several years below the national average, and the construction area and the new construction area of ??the larger cities and regions should be given attention. Real estate investment英文论文翻译费用多少钱 is still three hot spots, for example, from 1998 to 2001, sales of commodity housing in Guangdong was 66%, 69%, 71% and 68%, lower than the national average, in the case of lower sales rate , the construction area remains high, and this worries. Same period, Beijing's sales rate was 49%, 45%, 70% and 71%, also below the national average, but showed a high trend away. Sales in Shanghai was 73%, 90%. 85% and 100% (Figure 5, Figure 6 and Figure 7). As of September 2002, Shanghai commercial housing sales area of ??1404 square meters, the current area of ??11.94 million square meters completed, the completion of an area greater than sales of vacant commodity housing will no doubt help to digest, but at present there are 7.79 million square Shanghai meters of vacant commodity housing, of which the vacancy is 4.52 million square meters of commercial housing.