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铜川翻译公司关键字:Maotai and Wuliangye the king of the dispute: Accumulate or starting enemy?According to recently released 2002 report shows that the Company翻译论文公司最专业 achieved sales of 91,100 tons Wuliangye, main business income of 3.462 billion yuan, profit 500 million yuan, net profit of 360 million yuan; Maotai Company翻译论文公司最专业 achieved sales of more than 7000 tons, main business income of 9.5 billion, operating profit 636 million yuan, net profit of 238 million yuan. Although the main income from sales and point of view, far more than Wuliangye Maotai, but the fine comparison, has a large margin and the gap is too large Maotai in many key financial indicators are different.Wine liquor industry men, but the most well-known than the Maotai and Wuliangye, and Maotai "wine country" status in the hearts of many people has been unable to shake. In recent years, has a large thunder seems to greatly overshadowed Maotai. Wuliangye rely on market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 trend and expand the power of multi-brand became popular, a recognized industry first. Maotai is low-key performance of the same period, that period of time one can only feel the holiday gift list in its existence. However, recent results in this mid-year report 2002, it makes one feel that China is far from white crown of the dispute settled.In fact, only through this, we simply evaluate the market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 position of the two companies can not draw conclusions. Five years, has a large momentum of rapid development, regardless of its popularity or market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 share, are far more than Maotai. However, we believe that Maotai began to decline, the Maotai force has already begun, in the liquor industry, ranking, Maotai from 7th in 1997 rose to No. 2 in 1999. And in the past three years, sales revenue and Moutai net profit growth rate faster than Wuliangye, especially in 1999 and 2001 more than 30% maintained a rapid growth. Of course, the growth rate of Moutai fluctuations between years is too large, but also to the Company翻译论文公司最专业's future growth of the larger uncertainty. Wuliangye main business revenue growth in recent years has been stable at about 20% of the level, if not by 2001, the impact of consumption tax policy changes, and its net profit in three years or is expected to remain roughly the same