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太原翻译公司关键字:implement brand strategy, economic and social environment (including public mental atmosphere) have been significantly improved, help Chinese enterprises to implement the brand strategy to achieve good results. In fact, such a positive sign in the foreign market毕业论文翻译成英语文章s have different degrees of similar performance. This indicates that the reputation of some of China's industrial products are formed, starting with the advance to the third stage of the condition.Second, under the conditions of an open competitive situation and strategic choicesChina's industrialization, a notable feature is a very liberal policy to allow and encourage foreign direct investment英文论文翻译费用多少钱 capital to enter China, to achieve faster global industrial transfer to China. With other industrialized countries in the development of China's current level of policy than as a big country, foreign direct investment英文论文翻译费用多少钱 in China's openness is rare. In other words, the world's few major powers in the current period of development equivalent to the implementation of China such as China's enormous foreign direct investment英文论文翻译费用多少钱 policy of tolerance.As China has implemented a unique large-scale foreign direct investment英文论文翻译费用多少钱 is characterized by the opening mode, so the trend of China's industrial international competition also has a very significant features. When we look at the international competition in China's industrial relations between market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 players are required to consider two basic factors: First, the manufacturing people, that is, by the Chinese people (Chinese enterprises, the same below) manufacturing, revenues accruing to the Chinese, or by foreigners (foreign investment英文论文翻译费用多少钱 enterprise, the same below) manufacturing, revenues accruing to the foreigners. Second, the manufacture, that is manufactured in China or in foreign manufacturing. The former follows the national statistics on the principle that reflects the Chinese or foreign GDP (GNP), in this sense, the international competitiveness of industry or business is the GNP of the competition, and get the country to create more than the GNP that the industry competitive. The latter follows the land in the statistical principle that reflects the Chinese or foreign GDP (GDP), in this sense, the international competitiveness of industry or business is the competition of GDP, the GDP of any country to create more on that the industry competitive.