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阿坝翻译公司论文翻译专业项目团队真诚服务阿坝州、马尔康县、汶川县、理县、茂县、松潘县、九寨沟县、金川县、小金县、黑水县 、壤塘县、阿坝县、若尔盖县、红原县
阿坝翻译公司关键字:People often lively discussion, one of China's industrial strategy of what should be implemented. For example, the development of automobile industry is not to emphasize the development of technology with independent intellectual property rights? Textile and garment industry is not should be emphasized that high-value, brand value and technical content? Whether China should concentrate on developing high-tech industries, especially in the industry China's core technology, gain great power status with commensurate benefits? If discussion of these issues were in isolation, it is easy to arrive at a "SDT" type of conclusion, that all things China should be strategic, "prescription "The best are numerous effective. Especially considering that China is a big country, multi-level, multi-technology, diversity is the inevitable direction of industrial development, therefore, "we must ... ... have to ..." type of program would certainly not have any big mistake. However, resources are always limited, and any strategy to achieve the goal is always to put some resources, so the strategy is to choose, choose the means necessary "to give up." If you do not resolve to give up something, even if it is temporary, to give up, there would be any effective strategy. Therefore, the essence of the strategy, may have value in many give up many goals, and select one or a set of objectives; or may reach the target of many roads to drop the most, and the choice of a feasible path. Therefore, the correct strategy is "the right to give up," a viable strategy is "appropriate to give" the wrong strategy is "wrong to give up"; Moreover, alternative solutions may be more, give up the more, the error the greater the possibility to give up. Give up is a pain, the greater the choice, the more painful to give up; the right to give up may be painful, wrong to give up is the greater pain, and even remorse Mo and pain. Industrialization in China is full of such a huge space, unlimited opportunities, make strategic choices, is the need to bear the great pain. Therefore, the outsider strategy discussion is one thing, really want to make strategic decisions is another matter.