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广安翻译公司关键字:When a State through the implementation of certain trade policy and industrial policy to implement the national industrial development strategy, we must consider the practical effect of policy measures. As mentioned earlier, due to competition between various enterprises constitute the cross, the foreign and foreign enterprises in China outside the three-dimensional competitive situation on the market毕业论文翻译成英语文章, making the development strategy of Chinese enterprises and the Chinese government's industrial development strategy is facing a very complex relationship, with very unique features. If the implementation of protection of national trade policies, its protection is not only the domestic-funded enterprises, but also to protect the domestic joint ventures and foreign-funded enterprises. In such circumstances, "to protect infant industries," apparently has been difficult to implement trade protection policy as a valid reason. Why, then, to protect foreign investment英文论文翻译费用多少钱 in China to ensure their论文摘要翻译英文 greater interest, and trade protection measures such as whether the implementation of national industrial development strategy to become an effective tool has become necessary to seriously study the problem. Similarly, although the implementation of industrial policy focused on domestic economic relations, but into whether foreign-invested enterprises in China should be regarded as "domestic enterprises", is also entitled to the same domestic-funded enterprises the same treatment of industrial policy, has become a need to seriously research problems. Trade protection policy and industrial support policies that are essentially a difference in the nature of state regulation of economic intervention, but the principle of free trade in the World Trade Organization rules, but also against discriminatory state interventions. So, when we trade protection policy or industrial policy for the intervention of the competition, we must consider trade protection policy and industrial policy on the actual impact of various types of enterprises and their论文摘要翻译英文 actual role in achieving policy objectives. As the object of policy adjustment changes the policy significance and role of regulating itself, will change a lot. For example, in the past we have grounds to protect infant industries and the automotive industry for trade protection, and now, when the protected object is changed, and whether trade protection can be achieved "infant industry protection" policy goal? Since trade policy to protect all the Chinese investment英文论文翻译费用多少钱 in the car business, so it is actually no longer a "infant industry protection" policy, but a "to attract foreign investment英文论文翻译费用多少钱" policy, because it makes the domestic foreign-funded enterprises to gain more benefits. So, in order to attract foreign investment英文论文翻译费用多少钱 if trade protection policy is an effective and rational state