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克孜勒翻译公司关键字:Summary: it has invested heavily in China and the U.S. government out of the eleven major electric car project failed at the same time, China's small two electric cars, without any government funding, even in the restrictive policies of the local pressure, tenacious to develop present ownership has reached tens of millions, annual production has reached millions. to achieve the industrialization. electric car industry seems to have such a line problem. is the great success of performance is not easy, small, low performance anti to easy success.Author: Huang Zhongrecent years the Chinese demand for cars increased sharply, reaching a blowout to describe the extent of use, the car is currently 85% of gasoline burned, not even counting the future growth of car ownership may be the formation of the new requirements. Now that the Chinese oil shortage to a considerable extent on imports. can not say that the import prices, the source has not been secure. imported oil has become China's military strategists must take into account the issue. In the long run China must be looking for four-wheel vehicles non-petroleum alternative power. burning oil on the car is a pure electric car is a possible alternative.No pollution electric cars, energy source easy to solve, in the range and speed, technically it does not matter. But in the industrialization problematic.The main problem is that electric cars two. One is the charging time and the other is the battery of economic issues.Popularity of electric cars such as the United States government has given subsidies to users, because these two issues, the last still no one wants to use. Become a failed project. Another example is China a few years ago into several hundred million dollars out of electric cars. One is Chery, a is Xiali 2000. Chery bigger problem would not have said. Xiali 2000, pure electric car technology has achieved some success away to recharge a battery life of 230 kilometers, a little something was lacking. maximum speed can reach 140 kilometers per hour Taking into account the speed of 110 km of highway speed limits, which is enough. Battery to $ 60,000. can be used for six years. That year, the battery charge is $ 10,000, in addition to charging fees of 3,000 yuan. the driving force for one year would cost 13,000 yuan. Xiali 2000 as long as the available oil oil costs about 7,000 yuan. (calculated by 4.3 yuan one liter) means that annual government subsidies unless the user 6000, or else no one will buy . (acquisition costs almost) so have not considered when long distances, the charging time issues, problems and set charging stations, so unless the price of oil rose to eight yuan a liter, or electric Xiali 2000 must also fail.