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石河子翻译公司关键字:It appears that the U.S. government with the Chinese government a failure of the project are the same fate, in the current technology, electric cars may not have any future. It is not the U.S. electric car failed the United States national circumstances. According to the situation in China , could have been successful in China because of the electric car failed completely英语论文翻译公司 electric car industry is taking a wrong high road. See analysis:In China and the U.S. government has invested heavily engaged in the large high-performance electric vehicle project eleven failure, China's low performance of two small electric cars, without any government funding, even in the restrictive policies of local governments pressure, tenaciously developed present ownership has reached tens of millions, annual production has reached millions. to achieve the industrialization. electric car industry seems to have such a line problem. is a big performance is not easy to succeed, The low performance of the anti-small to easy success.We take two electric cars in large electric motor seems. The weight of 80KG (plus one person, the whole weight of 140 kg), the speed is 50 km / h, full power range is 50 km battery costs about $ 600 per year. electricity each year about $ 250. (1000 km per month) Total 850 yuan, if the same size can of gasoline motor, 1,000 km / month usage, the annual fuel costs about $ 1200. because of the acquisition of two similar, So obviously the electric car economy is good. So the problem how to solve it .. charging electric motor is usually used to work翻译毕业论文公司哪里有最权威 with, because most Chinese people do not work翻译毕业论文公司哪里有最权威 more than 20 kilometers away from, even as a short distance from the shopping to buy food. So 50 km range is sufficient. home on the motorcycle after the room charge usually charge at night, daytime, fully meet the needs do not need to set up public charging stations. So why the big points of high-performance electric car is not easy to succeed?