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图木舒克翻译公司关键字:Structural problems constraining China's economic development has become a major obstacle. Adjust the industrial structure, promote industrial upgrading without delay, especially on information technology as the forerunner of the rapid development of scientific and technological revolution, the international industrial structure adjustment and upgrading the transfer is becoming a world economic development can not block the trend. According to the theory of industrial structure upgrading, China should seize this favorable opportunity of international industrial transfer, full use of foreign investment英文论文翻译费用多少钱 and development of transnational business and other ways to promote industrial restructuring and upgrading, improving international competitiveness. Keywords: international industrial transfer to upgrade industrial structure, multinational multinationalAbstract: So far structural problem has become a serious obstacle to the economic development of China. It is of great urgency to adjust the industrial structure and promote the industry upgrading. With the rapid development of scientific and technical revolution guided by information technology, it is now an irresistible tendency of world economy that the international industrial structure is being upgraded, adjusted and transferred. According to the upgrading theory of industrial structure, in order to promote the adjustment and upgrading of its industrial structure, and improve its international competitiveness, China should seize this good opportunity, make full use of foreign investment英文论文翻译费用多少钱 and develop transnational management. Key words: international industry transfer Multinational Corporation industrial structure upgrading transnational ManagementInternational industrial transfer, mainly referring to countries or regions through international trade and international investment英文论文翻译费用多少钱 and other means, the industry (mainly manufacturing or labor-intensive industries) to the sub-region and the developed countries or developing countries or regions, driven shift men of the country's industrial restructuring and upgrading1, the theory of industrial structure