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保山翻译公司关键字:development of heavy industry, including not only the defense industry, but also to provide for the defense industry sectors such as basic industrial raw materials, the defense industry was the focus of industrial construction and major capital direction. Among them, 150 in the Soviet Union aided the actual construction project engineering, military industrial enterprises accounted for 44, 12 including the aviation industry, electronics industry, 10, 16 weapons industry, aerospace industry 2, the shipbuilding industry 4. [3] (P297) through the "First Five" Implementation of the plan, not only established a relatively complete industrial system framework翻译毕业论文公司哪里有最权威 for national defense, and laid the initial foundation of China's socialist industrialization. Into the 60's, especially the "3 by 5" program after the defense industry in the industrialized construction priority has been further strengthened. "3 by 5" plan of the central tasks: First, according to the standard basic solution is not high, food and clothing; Second, taking into account the national defense, national defense needed to solve the conventional weapons, breaking the cutting-edge technology; third is to strengthen the basic industries of agriculture and defense industries support. [4] (P1195-1196) "3 by 5" plan is actually around the development to the implementation of national defense, the defense industry has become an important national fist. Mao Zedong pointed out: the national economy has two fists, a butt, agriculture is a fist, a fist defense industry, basic industry is a ass. [4] (P1198) from the "3 by 5" program, our country spent nearly three hours to implement a five-year plan to develop the defense industry-focused industrialization strategy. During this period, China's industrialization despite some setbacks, a few detours, but the industrial base, especially in the defense industrial base has been enhanced to some extent, and for the future to further expand the industrial preparation of the material provided.After the reforms, in the era of peace and development have become the subject and taking economic construction as the center of the new historical conditions, our party and the government established a national defense should be subordinated to and serve the overall economic development