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红河翻译公司关键字:into full play the role to be more social resource efficiency and economic benefits of the defense industry has been significantly improved, thus promoting the development of China's industrialization has played a unique role in old China's industry is not only very low levels, and development is highly uneven. First, the imbalance between regions: the old Chinese small industrial facilities, 70% concentrated in the coastal area. The industrial, but also concentrated in a few cities. The majority of the mainland there is little decent industry. Second, the structural imbalance within the industry: in the old China with limited industry, mainly based on traditional handicrafts, modern industry the proportion is very low; in modern industry, textile, food, matches and other light industry is relatively more developed, and energy, metallurgy, manufacturing and other heavy industry is relatively weak. Change the old China's industrial layout and unbalanced industrial structure, promote the coordinated development of national industry, the construction of the new China an important part of industrialization. Industrialization process in the new China, the layout and the defense industry restructuring, for the coordinated development of industrialization laid a certain foundation.In order to change the old Chinese irrational industrial distribution, we must first develop the industrial. Mao Zedong pointed out: "coastal industrial base must be fully utilized, however, in order to balance the layout of industrial development, the industrial need to develop", "The new majority should be placed in the Mainland industry, gradually balance the industrial layout, and help prepare for this There is no doubt. "[8] (P723-724) According to this thinking," First Five "program for the first time on a large scale of China's industrial layout adjustment. During the adjustment of industrial layout, many new construction projects and for supporting the construction project was placed in the Mainland. Among them, the defense industry, new projects are primarily in the Midwest. For example, 106 by the Soviet