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金华翻译公司关键字:sustainability, economic sustainability, sustainability and social sustainability of the four production aspects of the target feature. Bromley (2003) that agricultural sustainability is the search for natural resources and environmental protection in agriculture the best thinking, is not in the infinite future for the consumer and the welfare-maximizing path or process. The same area for different regions or even different regions, should make a different strategy for sustainable agricultural development. However, the regional development strategy should include a good number of common elements, including a guarantee of peace and security, a stable macroeconomic environment, the supply of market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 incentives, market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 integrity of the system as well as physical, human, natural resources and social capital, etc. appropriate proportion of public and private investment英文论文翻译费用多少钱, and regional strategic difference lies in different areas of comparative advantage based on a different scale of investment英文论文翻译费用多少钱 in design and structure2, multi-functional nature of agriculture and sustainable agriculturefunction of the past, people mainly located in the agricultural requirements of agriculture produce to meet the needs of the community economic function. Japan, Korea, European Union and other States and advocated the concept of multifunctionality of agriculture and the world's popular "concept of modern agriculture," consistent with the economic function of agriculture is not only required, but also stressed its political function, social function, ecological function. FAO experts to protect soil biodiversity, improve the quality of agro-ecosystems as global environmental protection, food security, sustainable