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舟山翻译公司关键字:Shanghai housing prices in recent years we have witnessed a high rise, housing prices is the economic development dictates, but such an alarming rate soaring, but is far from normal, in which the foam is obvious. Most analysis of the current article --- normal price rise will be confused with the formation of foam --- the difference is: this put aside the normal rise in Shanghai prices of factors, such as China urbanization, population base and large, specialized analysis of birth housing bubble factors, namely: policy inertia, financial vulnerability, depressed, underdeveloped capital market毕业论文翻译成英语文章s, international "hot money" into the market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 expectations and the role of interest groups in order to in-depth analysis of Shanghai's real estate bubble realreasoIntroduction:Shanghai there are a lot of real estate bubble is an indisputable fact. Since 2000, the Shanghai real estate prices have soared, never look back, especially in the past three years, the situation is more serious in 2000 an average price of 4895 yuan / square meter in 2003 to 5897 yuan / square meter, rising to 7546 yuan in 2004 / m in September rose to 8148 yuan / square meter, compared to 2003 price soared 2251 yuan / square meter, an increase of 38.17% ①. By early 2005, Shanghai is the price climbed to nearly 9,000 yuan / square meter. Shanghai housing prices in such a short period of time such a high rate of rise, which the foam is self-evident, so the housing bubble to squeeze the last two years has been the central and local housing policy the main objective. At present, the analysis of many of Shanghai's real estate bubble of the article, but the vast majority did not distinguish between rapidly rising house prices reasonable and the difference between the bubble formation, the analysis of the two together, so that the conclusion is generally comprehensive. " mixed fish heads ", so also the lack of specific proposals. In order to prevent "the child along with foot-washing water drained," the danger, the paper put aside the normal rise in factor prices Shanghai, specialized in analysis of the factors that spawned the housing bubble, with a view to the current Shanghai's "real estate" disease to make scientific and accurate "diagnosis."First, policy inertiaFrom the historical point of view of real estate, 1990s Shanghai introduced a series of policies to encourage real estate development, in fact, prices for the past few years, the "rapid" provides the basis for policy support platform, because of