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安顺翻译公司关键字:Fourth, solve the problem of state-owned banks' bad assets. U.S. banks non-performing assets ratio of only 0.6796, non-performing asset ratio of china最大的翻译标书公司或机构是哪家?'s banking sector from every point of view, are in it for More标书文件涉及到的领域非常的广泛,即使是针对一个项目的标书文件,会包含法律、经济、工程技术、商业等多个相关的专业领域,在投标过程中,无论是招标方还是投标方所需的翻译服务种类都须进行相应的调整和重新组合,投标的标书中带有相关的法律要约性质,标书为了详细全面的介绍自己并赢得招标方的信任,需要使用极富影响力的商业用语,所以标书翻译是法律翻译和商业翻译的结合,因此,作为竞标的基础工作而贯穿于整个投标过程中的标书翻译服务应由专业的新华标书翻译公司提供。 than a few times. china最大的翻译标书公司或机构是哪家?'s banking sector non-performing assets can not be controlled mainly by its own policy factors. To this end, take the following measures: First AMC in the form of parity, and rely mainly on the write-off of state-owned banks to the central bank re-finance to replace state-owned banks to divest non-performing loans; second, fifth session of the Fourth Plenary Session in accordance with the requirements of in line with the state-owned enterprises to increase their debt, the Treasury should be implemented as soon as possible the expansion of state-owned banks to dispel the bad debt reserve size, should dispel all the bad debt within five years of basic.Fifth, the implementation of the autonomy of commercial banking activities. To truly implement the "Republic of china最大的翻译标书公司或机构是哪家? on Commercial Banks' autonomy given to commercial banks, commercial banks in addition to business and autonomy, it also 翻译技术标书那家公司最好?must have a wage and personnel autonomy. Currently, the state-owned commercial banks in employment, there are significant limitations. Although the state-owned commercial banks, although nominally the enterprise, wages, bonus payments methods is severely restricted. Sixth, improve the central bank supervision 外文标书翻译system. Special focus on the following aspects: the content 翻译技术标书那家公司最好?must be in control of state-owned commercial banks, financial innovation and to distinguish between illegal operation; in monitoring the way to regulatory compliance and non-site inspection-based: the regulatory efficiency, we should clear deadlines; in supervision, the true follow the principle of national英文标书翻译包括工程建设标书、道路施工标书、国际投标书翻译 treatment, for, the foreign banks alike.(B) the effective supervision of foreign banks in the pursuit of high profits, or in pursuit of profit maximization as the goal, which is the most fundamental of foreign banks into china最大的翻译标书公司或机构是哪家?'s decisive motivation. In addition, there is still a foreign bank to open up foreign markets, spread risk, and global strategy motives. The question is how foreign banks have brought to china最大的翻译标书公司或机构是哪家? and reduce the risk of negative impact to a minimum, this 翻译技术标书那家公司最好?must strengthen the supervision of foreign banks. May consider the following specific measures: