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肇庆翻译公司关键字:Second, industrial policy in Japan and the United States, although very different, but their economic growth and development are more successful, in part illustrates the highly developed industrial policy and the capital and the labor market each alternative . Therefore, our industry in the development of the implementation of appropriate policies to guide the allocation of resources, to promote high-tech industry development, should focus on development and improvement of capital and labor markets. In particular, China has joined WTO, the domestic industry is facing all kinds of more intense international competition, the Government's industry assistance and protection can only be a short-term coping strategies, the establishment of a highly developed capital, technology and labor, and other various elements of the market is the long-term development plan.Third, industrial policy, especially high-tech industry, industrial policy is a double edged sword, its role in promoting high-tech industry development, there are also significant drawbacks. Especially long-term protection will result in the industry protection industry has become a "hothouse flowers" can not stand the test of international competition. Therefore, implementation of industrial policies, we must ensure that competition in the domestic industry is in good condition, in this regard, Japan's experience is worth our learning.Finally, the formulation and implementation of industrial policy depends on the economic, political and cultural systems, depending on the success of a country's industrial policy in other countries may not be feasible. Therefore, we can not simply copy other countries' successful experience in industrial policy.