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内蒙古翻译公司关键字:At present, China's economy is in a major structural adjustment period, and encounter the western development and other strategic initiatives on the regional economic structure and industrial structure adjustment has a significant impact. Industry, geographic concentration is the regional economic structure and industrial structure adjustment one of the goals, it should be the effective means. First, the geographic concentration by industry to optimize the industrial structure. Irrational industrial structure is one of our most common problem in the industry. The industry is fragmented area caused irrational industrial structure of the basic reasons. The impact of the revolution in information technology, the production of customized widespread in all walks of life. Customized production is basically a non-stock production system, timely delivery is the basis for its operation. Served from the leading manufacturers limited supply within a few hours, the result has brought a number of small manufacturers around the core layout of the status of a large Company翻译论文公司最专业, or directly to large companies moved their论文摘要翻译英文 production bases to the industry gathering area. Customized production model of the manufacturers affected by changes in spatial distribution significantly. To BMW, for example, it has three delivery systems: supply by day, by hour delivery and delivery by the production process. Suppliers of the first layer all over Germany; second layer assembly plant supplier companies located within 50 km; the third level of the manufacturers of the transport distance of not more than 30 km. Timely delivery way some companies in China have been adopted. By Shanghai Volkswagen, for example, before 1990, Shanghai number of outside suppliers accounted for 46% of the domestic total. Since the 1990s, the introduction of timely delivery methods to promote the suppliers' nearest layout. In addition to the Shanghai area outside the development of new supply manufacturers, suppliers from Volkswagen original companies (such as Guizhou, Hunan, etc.) have begun to build factories near Shanghai. As a result, to Shanghai in 1997 the proportion of outside suppliers decreased to 36%, foreign suppliers also half located in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and neighboring provinces. Geographic concentration of industry, paving the way for customized production, but also to optimize the industrial structure.