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海西翻译公司关键字:This year, China's economic reform in recent decades and its acCompany翻译论文公司最专业ing rapid economic growth is remarkable. As the World Bank, "China 2020" and pointed out that China is moving from an agricultural to an industrial economy change, at the same time, China is moving from a command economy to a market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 economy. With the further deepening of the reform, the implementation of western development, and joining the World Trade Organization, the opportunities and challenges for China in the next two decades or so to complete the initial two changes provide a good prerequisite. First, China's reform period economic growth characteristics and the contribution of labor productivityComprehensive conclusions given in the Western literature, the reform period, China's economic growth has three characteristics: first, economic growth, high-speed, two decades China's economic growth is essentially maintained at 8%. 1980 2000 GDP is equivalent to six times higher than the price of one trillion U.S. dollars, out sixth in the world. By PPP (purchasing power) method, the China 2000 GDP of about $ 4.2 trillion, is the second largest economy after the United States. Second round of China's economic growth, from the coast to the interior, the growth rate is unprecedented. According to World Bank statistics, if the 30 provinces of China as a separate economic entity, then in 1978 and 1995, the world's twenty fastest growing economies all in China. Third, China's economic growth relies heavily on the (total factor) productivity of labor contribution, the average annual contribution of about 30% (1978-95). That 8 percent annual growth of 2.4 percent growth in labor productivitySecond, the economic growth of Western TheoriesThen the Western economic theory to our understanding of China's reform period economic growth characteristics of what inspired him? Since the reform and opening up, many domestic and foreign scholars have been trying to model the behavior of Western economics to guide the transformation of the former command economy countries, such as the market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 is the prerequisite for new classical economics models and manufacturers based on private ownership of property rights theory . Although these theories and models that explain the