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青海省翻译公司关键字:Solow growth model shows that per capita GDP growth in the promotion of two elements, between the capital and productivity, capital-driven growth is not sustainable. In other words, in the capital labor ratio reaches a certain level, per capita GDP growth will stagnate. Although further increase the savings rate could break this stagnation, but after a period of time after the level of GDP per capita will still appear on another new stagnation. This is because in such models it is usually assumed that the marginal capital output ratio decreasing. More important is the savings rate can not increase indefinitely. By continuous productivity improvements to drive the growth is sustainable. This is because the productivity gains from the theory can be unlimited. So productivity growth is composed of those parts of it? One is the technological advances (such as new machines use), the second is technical efficiency (such as management efficiency and accumulation of production experience), three are of scale (the formation and management of large enterprises as well as a large country's economic capacity and the knowledge itself, such as knowledge industry, etc.).Now we come to explore China's reform policies on the part of the three productivity impact. China's technological progress is in fact the larger environment of reform and opening up led by the government to promote industrial and technology policy, including the introduction of foreign capital and advanced equipment, focus on key sector for investment英文论文翻译费用多少钱. Technical efficiency is the premise of competition in the market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 caused by the township and village enterprises, and in addition to state-owned enterprises reform measures. The scale is probably a big country with the government for the development of basic industries and the economy of attention and investment英文论文翻译费用多少钱 in infrastructure inseparable. Generally speaking, China's labor productivity growth in the reform period is closely related to government policy, which even includes the development of township enterprises