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上海翻译公司关键字:As production specialization and division of refinement and development of large enterprises in the strategic core competencies will focus point from the previous pursuit of the production scale and cost advantages, to technological innovation, strong branding, market毕业论文翻译成英语文章ing, channel control and so on. Third, the scarcity of resources and ecological constraints on industrial development increasingly prominent role, taking a new road of industrialization and the strategic choice to become more and more urgentIndustrialization process of China's past, the high input of resources is based. China's per capita resource share is much lower than the world average, China's economy to be sustained and rapid development can not continue to rely on massive investment英文论文翻译费用多少钱 of resources, particularly water and oil resources will be the two major bottlenecks.Resource constraints facing the development industry not only from insufficient supply of resources constraints, is also reflected in the carrying capacity of the environment caused by the bondage. Take the traditional path of industrialization, China to reach the middle stage of industrialization, has caused serious environmental pollution. China's economy to catch up with developed countries, but not at the expense of resource consumption and environmental way to achieve catch-up. This requires that future industrial development must be lower-input, high output, low consumption, high efficiency, can be recycled, less emissions of new road to industrialization, begin to establish resource-conserving and environment-friendly modern eco-development model to ease the growing resources constraints and environmental stress.Fourth, the spatial concentration of production capacity and further exacerbated the trend, highlighting the competitive advantages of industrial clustersSince reform and opening, originally planned system in the highly fragmented pattern of rapid concentration of industrial production, resulting in a group in the country have a greater impact and higher market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 share characteristics of industrial clusters. From a practical point of view, concentration, division of labor, competition, self-strengthening, coordination, network翻译毕业论文公司哪里有最权威ing, and "regional brand" and other economic effects constitute a strong competitive advantage of industrial clusters, so that the spatial concentration of production capacity continued to show the process of development potential, and continue to accumulated for the region's rapid economic growth of the power source.